Alexander Keller

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About Alexander Keller

Alexander Keller, born in Berlin in 1983, is an author, trainer and business consultant. He specialises in agile working, agile leadership and new work.

After studying computer science and psychology in Berlin, he worked as an entrepreneur, agile coach and manager for various start-ups and corporations. Today he works for small and large companies and institutions under the brand Humans Matter®. Alex’s goal is to make organisations more human and to support them in their agile transformation to make them fit for the future. After all, in the end it is always people who create value – not money or processes.

Alex was also a co-founder of the Café der Fragen® in Berlin, whose goal was to support people outside of New Work in their personal development and to make the hurdle for dealing with the big and small human questions as low as possible. Even though the café no longer exists in this form, Alex continues to look for ways to help people become more self-effective.