Pioneers Inhouse Events

Create a network. Achieve momentum. Take the lead.

Short description

At the Pioneers Inhouse Event, you create the momentum for your sustainable organisation with our support. With this diverse networking event, you break down silos, initiate networking and the exchange of perspectives. You create a spirit of optimism – with a focus on implementation!

You can hold the large group event with 50 to 250 executives. Whether national or international: we make presence formats as well as cross-location online or hybrid formats possible for you. Content impulses and moderation, exciting keynotes, inspiring speakers, various discussion formats and small group dialogues give you the right impetus for your common path: interactions and playful experiences included.

Target group

Are you a manager or HR representative? Do you have the task of organising such a large group event in your organisation? Then the Pioneers Inhouse Event is the right format for you and your company.

clock solid Duration

1 – 2 days

circle plus solid  Your benefits

Why our Pioneers Inhouse Event helps you:

  • You get everyone on board for your common path.
  • You provide space for the exchange of perspectives and build sustainable bridges for your daily work together.
  • You readjust your compass.
  • You generate enthusiasm and openness for change and new impulses.
  • You create motivation and a spirit of optimism.
  • You create your company-wide momentum for all managers.
  • You get straight into action.
  • You have professionally and methodically experienced partners at your side.

Are you interested in a Pioneers Inhouse Event? Feel free to contact Gordon directly and send him a message via the form.

Gordon Anfrage

Gordon Falat
Marketing Manager
+49 221 988 30 383

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